So I have to admit I love breast feeding. I know it sounds crazy to even write it. I remember saying I just wanted to get through the first 6 months. Now I am faced with my body betraying me I am realizing I love it.
I had the stomach flu last week and after getting over the flu I got very run down and dehydrated so my milk ran out. Poor baby, she was so hungry and I began to feel like I was letting her down by not taking better care of myself. I gave her a couple of bottles of milk I had frozen but she and I knew it just wasn't the same. She kept trying to nurse and I just let her even though nothing was coming out she was content enough to finally fall asleep. I have spent this week trying to rest and get my supply up by drinking lots of water and pumping as much as I can.
I don't think anyone can really explain the bond that you have when you breast feed. I know if someone tried to tell me I would not have understood. I had someone tell me today "you are going to have to stop that soon she's almost 7 months."
I know that I won't stop until she is ready to and now is not the time, for either of us.