
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Questions - Week 5

Hello and welcome to week 5 of my 52 weeks of blogging. The prompt for this week was to ask my readers a question. I am posting very late this week because I couldn't think of just the right question to ask everyone.
The hawk that visited us this summer. So beautiful.

I think I finally came up with one:
Why do you blog?

and if you don't have a blog or read blogs:
why do you facebook?

I started blogging because I wanted to share pictures of my daughter with my family that don't live locally. Then I found it to be a great place to journal about or life together and to save some of those moments that pass to quickly. Then as I found other blogs I started to blog to meet other people and to follow other bloggers, artists and friends. I have "met" some of the most wonderful people through blogging. They encourage me, support me, lift me up and push me forward. Thanks to those women, I hope they know who they are.

Would you like to play along? Visit 52 weeks of blogging your passion.


  1. Blogging fills my need to be social. And it gives me a place to put my ideas and hopefully get some feedback. I love the way that commenters on the blog become like family. Give you a great group of like minded people to be around every day without leaving your home.

    I have a personal and a business FB page. I post a lot of stuff about my kids on the personal page, and don't accept too many people that I don't know or have friends in common with (and those would be good friends - not just anyone). The business page is for business stuff with a personal insight into my creative place (mental and physical).

    I am at the new Etsy Setup with fresh eyes hoping to find and extend my electronic community into some more local contacts and even more like minded artists and parents…

    Without this, I never would have gotten the chance to meet you Shannon! :)

  2. Ooh, I was SO tempted to do that (52 weeks). I'll have to make sure I visit you every week to see how it goes. :)

    To answer: I began strictly for business purposes. However, I quickly fell in love with practically every aspect of blogging, from the graphics and design to the content and finally and more importantly the relationships.

  3. I am a stay at home mom, and I started to facebook before blogging. Its my social life...sad but true. Its also how I get to keep in touch with those I don't see often. I started blogging for my business, because I wanted to get out there in the virtual world a bit, and I LOVE the blogs of other artists. Its been fun, and I really love sharing my sucesses and failures and new ideas and techniques. I find so much info on blogs, and hope I can share a little of that too. I feel like, through blogging, I have found a little group of artists I can consider friends.

  4. Isn't it amazing how the reasons we blog continue to evolve - we may have started for one reason but now continue to blog for yet another! I began blogging to join the greater community of jewelry designers - to meet like minded people and to gain and share support for something I love. I cannot help but share family stories and pictures at times because I have personal friends and family who like to visit as well (and it is the most important part of my life of course!). My blog has opened up an incredible world that brings people so close to me that it is tangible.... some of my closest friends I met online through the last several years. It is wonderful to meet blogging friends in person and I continue to look forward to meeting more! :-) I'm sure the reasons why I blog and even what I blog about will continue to evolve....and I try to keep it low-key and fun, not something I HAVE to do every day. It's been nice to "meet" YOU online!

  5. i am at home with my kids... blogging was a way to come into a virtual art community and meet other people with similar interests... my world has grown so much for it... as i think everyone here understands, it can be very isolating to be at home...

  6. I started blogging as a way of getting my jewelry business known. Along the way I have come to know several other bloggers who have become great pals in the blogging world. I enjoy reading what they have to say, and it is also a bit of a social thing, as I am out on an acreage and don't get out much!

  7. I blog for a couple of reasons - I share book reviews, writing, and some personal stuff on my and my business world on :) Thanks for entering the giveaway on there!

  8. Hi. I just want to let you know that I am trying to follow you and I can't get the Networked blog OR the FOLLOW buttons to respond. I am not having trouble on other blogs just this one. ???

    I started blogging because I wanted to further customer interest in the beads I create. Blogging has turned into so much more than that. It has brought me to know some wonderful beautiful women and it has shown me that opening up about life is so freeing. There are so many wonderful people who offer support in a variety of ways.

  9. I started blogging as a stay at home mom to prepare myself for blogging for business. I was sure I would run out of things to say after a month! A year and a half later and I cannot imagine NOT blogging. I have met so many incredible people it to me is an incredible gift!
