
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Bead Table Wednesday 3/9/11

Happy Wednesday.
I am lucky I get to go to the salon late today so I can bring you Bead Table Wednesday.
If you would like to check out what everyone else has on their table visit

Here is my table this morning. Last night I finished working an a few pieces and decided to go through some of my Nancy Schindler pieces. Yes, these are only a few of them I have a problem. I think I might need rehab. The glass beads are from Amanda of Sea Shore Glass.
Thanks for taking a peak at my bead table. 
See you next Wednesday for the next installment of BEad Table Wednesday!


  1. Must look away...very next purchase must be some Nancy Shindler

  2. Hello Shannon, Looks like your going to "bee" busy, happy creating and happy hump day! ttfn :)

  3. Oh dear, I'll take your Round Rabbit stash if it's that much of a problem! LOL Can't wait to see what you're creating with this lovely bunch of goodies!

  4. Wow, those pieces are so pretty! Are they ceramic? I keep telling myself to STOP BUYING STUFF... to no avail, apparently. Have fun creating!

  5. Looks like you have some wonderful pieces in the works...awesome components!

  6. Oh if you think you need an interventions I will gladly help remove those goodies from you! Love them all!

  7. What a great assortment, I love your jewelry in your previous posts, you do great work.
