
Monday, February 20, 2012

What I am cooking up

This has been a crazy week.
I know a cold is my bodies way of telling me to slow down but I am pretty slow all the time anyway. If I slow down anymore I am going to be moving backwards. Lol
But seriously, I didn't think I was doing too much till I sat to write this post.
Here are some things I am working on:

Bead Soup due March 3rd.
I got my beads from my partner Rochelle Brisson of Sea Chelles Design, visit her blog here A Creative Chelle. Out of my comfort zone for sure but that's the fun part of these hops!

Bead Soup Blog Party

The Challenge of Music due Feb 29th. I have a song picked but haven't started working on my piece yet. All I am gonna tell you is that I love Adele ;-)
Join the Challenge of Music
Blog Hop February 29th

Artisan Clay due February 25th:
Got my beads at the end of last week and have been too sick to work with them yet.

Echo Creative Club due Feb 25th:
Got my beads, made an awesome necklace, took pictures, working on the blog post this afternoon :-)

Andrew Thornton's February Challenge also due Feb 25th:
Necklace finished, photographed and I am working on some other pieces because this kit was huge.

The colors of spring blog hop due March 31st. Got my beads, have been sketching what I want to make but haven't had a chance to make anything yet.

blog hop challenge-Colors of Spring

And finally I am a member of the Allegory Design Team due Feb 28th.
My pieces are made and photographed, now all I need to do is write up the instructions and get them to Andrew :-)

Whew! I can now see why I got sick. I love all these challenges and they push me creatively but I think I may have over done it for February. I have never been pushed so far creatively though and that is fueling my fire. All of the pieces I have been sent are out of my comfort zone and that is awesome. I hope you will keep following me to see what I have made for each of these challenges.



  1. Whew! That does sound busy! I am doing the BSBP and the music challenge. Music one is done and pre-blogged. BSBP hasn't even started. :)

  2. Hi Shannon,
    I am glad I read your post, because I was thinking the reveal date for Andrew's February Reader's challenge was on the 28th. Wow there is going to be a lot going on on the 25th. I really need to start writing my blog posts for the two challenge reveals on the 25th. Looking forward to seeing what you and everyone else has created for these wonderful challenges. Oh and forgive me, I hope that you are feeling better and don't try to push yourself so hard and have a relasp.
    Take care,

  3. Wow! Alot, but I can't wait to see what you create. :)

    Feel better.
